In Memory Of
Bedolf Epey Tanyi
1972 - 2015
Full NameBedolf Epey Tanyi
Born6th June 1972
Passed Away9th December 2015
43 Years
Memorial Wall
IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED BEDOLF TANYISunrise - June 6, 1972 & Sunset - December 9, 2015 - Age 43 Bedolf Tanyi was born on June 6, 1972 in Kumba to Mercy Taku and Johnson Okon Tanyi. He attended primary school in Kumba and his secondary and high school education was split between Baptist Boys Secondary School and St Joseph's College Sasse both in Buea. He graduated from the University of Buea and completed his masters in Law at the University of Yaounde II from there he gained admission in to ENAM where upon completion he worked for the Cameroon government as a treasurer. He was the youngest of the Tanyi clan and leaves behind a young wife, 4 kids and grandmother, mother, sisters and brothers, in-laws and loads of friends to mourn him.Bedolf was a husband so loving, so funny, so passionate and caring is suppose to live long enough to indulge his wife and enjoy the plus sides of marriage. A father so blessed to have 4 kids; adored and treasured them as if his life depended on them. He was always there for them and showed them world in his own little way. Truly you were a family man!A brother always ready to please, help and unify his family, in a very brotherly and gentle way is suppose to be around much longer than a mere 43 years.A friend, full of laughter and joy in the midst of all, ready to go out, generous, and have a nice time,as well as never afraid to be on the other side of arguments and share stories as if there was no tomorrow is truly experted to hang around for much longer to maintain the smile on the faces of his pals.In the eyes of man, a gentleman so elegant and fashionable, young and strong with a lot of life and many things yet to do and with a bright future isn't suppose to leave us so soon - but who is man to question God? We bid you adieu and pray that your soul rest in peace till we meet again.
19 Dec 2015